Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and Trainer Background

    • Introduction and Trainer Background

    • Class Log Sheet

  • 2

    Module 1 - What is Yoga

    • What is Yoga

    • History of Yoga

    • What is Yoga

    • The Paths of Yoga

    • Principles of Yoga

    • Patanjalis Sutras

    • The Eight Limbs of Yoga

    • The Yama's and Niyama's

    • Styles of Yoga

    • Recommended Reading

    • Module 1 Quiz

  • 3

    Module 2 - The Energetic Body

    • The Energetic Body Overveiw

    • What are Chakras

    • How they work

    • Chakra Locations

    • Chakras - A Closer Look

    • Chakras Cleansing & Balancing Mudras and Mantras

    • The 5 Koshas

    • What are the Koshas

    • The 5 Koshas Explained

    • The 5 Prana Vayus

    • What Are Prana Vayus

    • Nadis

    • Ida, Pingala and Sushumna

    • Module 2 Quiz

  • 4

    Module 3 - Meditation

    • Meditation

    • Concentration Meditation

    • Mindfulness Meditation

    • Other meditation techniques

    • Benefits of meditation

    • How to meditate

    • Guided Meditation

    • Guided Meditation Example - Watching Thoughts

    • Watching Thoughts Meditation

    • Guided Meditation Example - Letting Go

    • Meditation - Letting Go

    • Guided Cocoon Meditation - Letting Go

    • Example -Guided Meditation -Find Calm -3.5 minutes

    • Example - Guided Breathing Meditation - 8 minutes

    • Example - Guided Meditation - Nature Meditation

    • Floating Cloud Meditation

    • Self Esteem Meditation

    • Starry Sky Meditation

    • Module 3 Quiz

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    Module 4 - The Bandhas

    • What are the Bandhas

    • Mula Bandha

    • Uddiyana Bandha

    • Jalandhara Bandha

    • Maha Bandha

    • Hasta Bandha

    • Pada Bandha

    • Bandhas

    • Module 4 Quiz

  • 6

    Module 5 - The Science of Breathing

    • How to breath during Asana

    • Breathing during Asana

    • Pranayama

    • Types of Pranayama

    • Pranayama Guide

    • Pranayama Class

    • Tips to improve your practice

    • Module 5 - Written assesment

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    Module 6 - Universal Laws

    • Universal Laws

    • 12 Universal Laws

    • The Kybalion

    • The 7 Kybalion Universal Laws

    • The Law of Attraction

    • Module 6 -Assignment

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    Module 7 - Anatomy and Physiology

    • Introduction to Anatomy

    • Anatomical Terninology

    • Anatomy Terminology and Joint Actions

    • Bones

    • Bones

    • Functions of Skeletal System

    • Conditions that affect the Skeletal System

    • Spinal Curve Variations

    • Bones Overview

    • Muscles

    • Joints

    • Joint Actions

    • Joint Action Examples

    • Nervous System

    • The Digestive System

    • The Respiratory System

    • The Circulatory System

    • The Endocrine System

    • Module 7 Quiz

    • Activity

  • 9

    Module 8 - Introduction to Ayurveda

    • What is Ayurveda

    • Introduction to Ayurveda

    • How does it work

    • Determining your Dosha

    • Understanding Imbalances in the Doshas

    • Vata

    • Pitta

    • Kapha

    • Using Ayurveda to improve health

    • Module 8 - Introduction to Ayurveda - Assignment

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    Module 9 - Hatha Yoga - The Asanas and their benefits

    • Asana

    • The Ego

    • General Guidelines

    • Hatha Yoga

    • Tadasana

    • Tadasana

    • Sun Salutation A

    • Sun Salutation A

    • Moon Salutation

    • Moon Salutation

    • Meditation Poses

    • Meditation Poses

    • Warm Up Poses

    • Neck Movements

    • Shoulder Socket Rotation

    • Cat and Cow

    • Standing Poses

    • Standing Poses

    • Stretching & Strengthening on the floor

    • Bound Angle and Childs Pose

    • Thread the Needle Pose

    • Seated Postures ,Staff,pigeion,reclined twist,greeting the earth

    • Happy Baby, Seated Forward Bend, Head to Knee Forward Bend,Revolved Head to Knee Forward Bend,Bridge, One Foot Bridge

    • Lizard Pose Variations

    • Half Squat/Side Lunge, Boat Pose, Bow Pose, Half Split, Revolved Lunge, Camel Pose, Half Camel Pose

    • Locust Pose Variations

    • savasana

    • Inversions

    • Inversions

    • Module 9 - Assignment

  • 11

    Module 10 - Safety in Aerial Yoga

    • Rigging

    • Hanging your hammock

    • Correct Hammock Height

    • Essential Safety tips to make your classes run smoothly

    • Beginning your class

    • Aerial Yoga Basics

    • Hammock Hygiene – Things to consider

    • Safety in Aerial Yoga Quiz

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    Module 11 - Introduction to Aerial Yoga

    • What is Aerial Yoga

    • Benefits of Aerial Yoga

    • Hammock heights and some basic Grips

    • Basic Wrist Wrap

    • Commonly asked Questions

    • Module 11 - Assignment

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    Module 12 - Aerial Yoga - The Asanas and their benefits

    • The Ego

    • Beginning your class

    • Meditation Poses

    • Meditation Poses - Bucket Seat, Side Saddle and Womb

    • Recovery Poses

    • Recovery Poses - Floating Child

    • Recovery Poses - Sky Gazer and Resting Back Wrap

    • Standing Poses - Strengthening

    • Mountain Pose - Tadasana

    • Standing Strengthening - Upward Salute, Side Stretch Variation

    • Standing Strengthening - Prayer Pose

    • Chair Pose

    • Standing Strengthening - All versions of Tree Pose and Hand to Toe Pose.

    • Extra Pose - Tree Variation

    • Standing Strengthening - Flying Tree - Tree Pose version 3

    • Standing Strengthening - Flying Hand to Toe Pose - Hand to Toe version 3

    • Eagle Pose

    • Goddess Pose

    • Dancer Pose

    • Warrior Sequences

    • Standing Strengthening - Lunges

    • Triangle, Half Moon & Side Angle Sequences

    • Standing Poses - Stretching

    • Standing Stretching Heel to toe, Hamstring stretch,Standing Pigeon,Rock the cradle, Floating Lotus

    • Standing Stretching - Hamstring Stretch version 2 - Dynamic Pike & Pull

    • Hamstring Stretches 3 & 5 ,Standing Pigeon , Flying Lotus

    • Baby Cradle Pose & Leg Circles

    • Half Forward Bend & Half Circles - Side Stretch

    • Standing Stretching - Half Forward Bend, Cat, Cow, Tricep Stretch

    • Standing Stretching - Chest & Upper Arm Stretch

    • Adductor & Quad Stretch

    • Abductor Stretch

    • Forward Fold Versions

    • Splits Versions

    • Squat & Side Lunge

    • Core on Floor Poses

    • One Foot Warmup

    • Plank Varieties

    • Crane,Brige Versions & Knee Trap Swings

    • Side Plank Variations

    • Stretching on floor Poses

    • Cat & Cow, Easy Pose, Camel Versions

    • Low Lunge,Half split,Fish,Hero Poses

    • Reclined big toe,hip opener & spinal twist

    • Pigeon Pose & Crocodile Pose

    • Inversions

    • Inversion Safety

    • Wide - Legged forward flod, Downward Dog Variations

    • Three Legged Dog & Standing Splits

    • Core Inversions

    • Flying Dove variations & Inverted Bow Pose

    • Backbelt Inversion Series

    • Handstand & Shoulder Stand Versions

    • Floating bound Angle Pose

    • Floating in Hammock - Facing Front

    • Floating Neck Stretches

    • Floating bound Angle Pose

    • Two Directional Handstand Drills, Yogi Angel,Boat Pose, Floating Stork & Floating Peacock

    • Floating Butterfly & Straddle, Starfish, Seal and Seahorse Poses

    • Floating in Hammock - Facing Side

    • Floating Neck & Shoulder Stretch

    • Floating in Hammock - Facing Side -Side saddle side stretch, Floating forward Fold, Floating Seated Straddle Variation, Floating Staff Pose

    • Floating Cat & Cow, Galloping Horse,Head to knee bends,Piriformis stretch & Hero Pose

    • Floating Cat & Cow - Easy Pose

    • Cresent Moon Swings & Flying Corpse Pose

    • czy mod 12 - Floating in Hammock - Facing Prone

    • Floating in Hammock - PRONE -Flying Locust, Prone Stretch, Sphinx Pose, Floating Half Frog Pose, Floating Half Bow Pose, Floating Bow Pose

    • Flips & Tricks

    • Yoga Angel Flip & Vampire Pose

    • Flying Straddle front flip & Seal to Inverted Half Pigeon

    • Flying Squirrel, Inverted Yoda & Around the World Flip

    • Floating in Hammock - Facing Surpine & Side

    • Floating in Hammock-Surpine & side

    • Module 12 - Assignment

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    Module 13 - Class Sequencing & Cuing

    • General Sequencing Tips

    • Class Sequencing

    • Class Sequencing - Hatha Yoga

    • Hatha Yoga - Happy Hips - Class Sequence

    • Class Sequencing - Aerial Yoga

    • Aerial Yoga - Chakra Balance - Class Sequence

    • Hip Opening Sequence

    • Inversion Flow

    • Hip Flow - Hamstring stretches, Adductor Stretch, Quad Stretch, Dancer, Warrior 1 & 2 version 2, Standing Pigeon, Floating Lotus

    • Sup Yoga Flow -can be done on Board or Floor

    • Shoulder & Upper Back Release

    • Cueing Tips

    • Module 13 - Assignment

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    Module 14 - The Business of Yoga

    • Your nearly there

    • Imposter Syndrome

    • Tips to improve your teaching

    • Starting your business

    • Module 14 - Assignment

    • Marketing your Brand

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    Final Assignment

    • Final Assignment